Monday, November 5, 2012

Living on A Food Stamp Budget as a Diabetic

January 1 2013 I will begin a two month commitment to living on a food stamp budget and trying to live as a Diabetic. I will be focusing on fiber, tracking my carbs and sugars and learning first hand what the challenges are.  The maximum a person can qualify averages to 6.66 per day or 2.22 per meal. The average a person receives is 4.93 per day or 1.64 per meal.

As many of your remember most people on food stamps are the working poor and $$ get deducted from the maximum for every dime you earn.

I am choosing to wait until January as I know that in December I will be attending parties and dinners and it would not be a realistic challenge.

The local fresh produce on which I rely will be way down in those months. I can be a long bleak winter for those on food assistance.

With my crutches rice and pasta what this does to my health. This time I have Columbia students who will be documenting some of this on video to share during the process both on this site and on youtube and other social media sites.

I want to see, with all my advantages how challenging life is for Diabetics with limited income.

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